Cool game!
Cool game!
Thank you very much for playing!
Because this is logic game it could have a undo button that makes one step back. Just like puzzle script puzzles. Also level selector could be good in this demo.
Oh. Figure out that checkpoints are probably a part of puzzle. But anyway undo step would still work like in puzzle-script games. Just including take of checkpoint scrolls.
There is a bug with spikes. When they half go away, if to move on them too fast they kill. Not good.
On the level 24 spikes even got desynchronized. One row of spikes started to in/out on different step than everything else
Thank you for your kind feedback!)) We have prepared 66 levels in the full version of the game. New monsters, new adventures, map and new smart moves are waiting for you!
I think it lags terribly for me. At least looks so. In FF browser.
Could be some visual repsonse on canceling the spell.
Try playing it on Google Chrome ! It is the browser we used during development.
Very much a feel of Ninja Gaiden. I m little dissapointed, because Vice:Project Doom always was my fav over any NES Gaiden and you made a thumb that looks like Vice:P.D.
I tried to go for a mix mash of all the game, so it's got a little bit of Vice, a little bit of Gaiden and a little bit of Castlevania. Personally I like Ninja Gaiden over Vice but they're both damn good games. :)
It's not so great game to be featured as a big feature. Concept is kinda specific. I don't feel any fun when lasers appear.
The GFX is nice. I stopped at lvl 11.
Well, you should try to press a little more... some cool stuff in the harder levels :)
Gosh... I hate those Ludum Dare games....
Don't play them then. ;)
Why not add continue button. Why should we put password everytime again.
The reason for this is because, when I created Hobo, I did not yet know how to program a save feature and instead I made a password system. I am still learning as I go and by now, luckily I've managed to learn how to code saves into my more recent games :)
terrible. What is the point for such terrible controls?
It's the point of the game. moron
I doesn't seem to be a game. More like a simulation of a test of a game.
It's a puzzle game. The goal is to design levels that are the most fun for the "player". If you complete all 25 waves, you can submit your design to the Hall of Fame.
Joined on 2/24/05