Good game
Deservs more than 3.5 meh...
Good game
Deservs more than 3.5 meh...
Liked this :)
Nice stuff and cool music! I like psychodelic trance sometimes
got to 23
got to 23 level and stopped
LOL! Very cool!
LOL! Very cool!
Pretty cool
LordSicnarfSiatlam - Shut up loser! Finished 3 levels huh?
Liked GFX is pretty cool
I love this series!
Great game!
good demo
good demo
Waitng for full
Space for grenade wasn;t too handy
My finger tired pretty fast.
NOT enough tricks man!
That's cool concept about this sad clown but this should have more tricks like fmx team game have - 10 tricks it need!
Pretty cool
Cool physics and stuff
Something missied in game play
I got to wave like 720 or something and after wave 200 or something waves was change each after each like crazy and block appear and appear and i just move around and press 1234567 when they ready. WTF?
Joined on 2/24/05